Shared ownership, a relationship driven philosophy, and a recognition that we depend on our stakeholders and success is not a zero-sum game.
Support our joint-venture partners, property managers, vendors, and tenants to embrace Responsible Investment principals through dialogue and providing educational trainings and materials, as considered appropriate
Communicate from time to time our Responsible Investment performance and governance structure to investors and the public through annual reports and third-party disclosures
Reinforce a culture of teamwork and inclusion among our staff
Distinctive real estate that is accessible, memorable, and offers creative potential. A strong embrace of nature, which improves human nature.
Develop strategies to identify, analyze and mitigate material risks associated with market disruption, technology changes, and climate change
Invest in creating stronger, healthier communities that seek to promote diversity and inclusion
Collect and analyze data related to key performance indicators to inform Responsible Investment policy decisions and goals
Focus on markets that meet our criteria for diverse, vibrant and dynamic urban environments
Tangible results – financial, environmental, and social – tracked and managed through data-driven insights and our deep expertise.
Consider material climate and other Responsible Investment-related risks and opportunities across our existing portfolio and as part of new acquisitions
Incorporate technologies that contribute to the tracking and improvement of investment performance of real estate assets
Assess properties and development opportunities to identify efficiency projects and inform business decisions
Certify properties, when deemed appropriate, through industry-recognized programs such as LEED, ENERGY STAR, BREEAM, and others to demonstrate a commitment to environmental best practices